How to Repaint Every Room: Complete Guide, Tricks and Tips for Choosing the Best Paints and Colors

Transform your home with a flawless paint job. Learn to choose the right paints, apply the best techniques and achieve a professional result in every room. Blog post description.


3/14/20247 min read

How to Choose the Best Paints

Painting a home can have a significant impact on the look and feel of a room. Choosing the best paints essential to achieving a professional and long-lasting result. In this article, we will discuss the considerations to keep in mind when choosing a color, the different types of paint and their characteristics, as well as their health and environmental impact.

Considerations when choosing color

Choosing color is one of the most important steps in painting a room. Color can affect mood, perception of space, and even the quality of light. When choosing paint color, it is critical to consider the style of the room, its purpose, and the desired effect. For example, neutral colors such as white and beige can create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, while bright and bold colors can add personality and vitality to a space.

Types of paint and their characteristics

There are several types of paint available on the market, each with its own unique characteristics. The most common types of paint include:

  1. Water-based paint: This is the most popular choice for most home environments. it is easy to apply, dries quickly and has a reduced odor compared to other types. In addition, it is environmentally sustainable and can be cleaned with soap and water.

  2. Oil-based paint: This type of paint is highly resistant and durable. it is often used for high-wear surfaces, such as doors and furniture. However, it has a strong odor, takes longer to dry and requires thinner to clean tools.

  3. Enamel paint: This paint is especially suitable for metal surfaces, such as doors and railings. It has a glossy finish and resists wear and weathering well.

  4. Chalk paint: This type of paint has become very popular in recent years because of its matte and rustic effect. it is ideal for creating decorative and vintage finishes.

Environmental and health impact

When choosing a paint, it is also important to consider environmental and health impacts. Some paints contain harmful chemicals, such as solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can release harmful vapors into the air during application and drying. Water-based paints tend to be less toxic than oil-based paints, but it is still advisable to look for low-VOC or VOC-free paints.

In addition, you can choose certified eco-friendly or eco-label paints, which ensure a low environmental impact and concern for user health.

Paint Application Techniques

In addition to the choice of paints, application technique is crucial to achieving a professional result. Following are some tips and steps for accurate application:

Surface Preparation

Before beginning to apply paint, it is important to properly prepare the surfaces. This includes cleaning the walls, removing old peeling paint, and repairing any imperfections, such as cracks or holes. Use a trowel and sandpaper to level uneven surfaces and apply a primer if necessary.

Steps for accurate application

Here are the basic steps for accurately painting a room:

  1. Protect floors, furniture and other areas that should not be painted with protective paper or plastic sheeting and tape them down.

  2. Prepare the paint according to the manufacturer's instructions, mixing the contents of the can or tin well.

  3. Start by painting the corners and areas near the edges with an angled brush.

  4. Use a roller to apply the paint to the walls in vertical or horizontal strips, working from the top of the wall downward.

  5. Be sure to apply the paint evenly and cover the surface completely. Remove any drips or smears with a clean brush.

  6. Let the paint dry completely before applying a second coat, if necessary.

  7. Carefully remove the tape and return the furniture and furnishings to the room only when the paint is completely dry.

By following these steps and taking care in application, you will achieve a professional and long-lasting result.

Tools and equipment needed

To paint properly, you will need some essential tools. These include good quality brushes , rollers, paint buckets, tape to protect areas that do not need to be painted, and plastic sheeting to cover floors and furniture. Be sure to use the right tools for the type of paint you are using.


Painting a home can have a significant impact on the look and feel of a room. Choosing the best paints and colors is critical to achieving a professional and long-lasting result. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you step-by-step through the painting process, providing useful tips and advice to achieve a flawless result.

What are the main types of paint and which one should you choose?

The choice depends on the environment to be painted and your specific needs. Water-based paint is the most popular choice for home use.

Guide to Decorative Painting Techniques:

Sponged Effect:

1. Prepare the surface: Clean and sand the surface to be decorated.

2. Choose paints: Opt for two colors, one basic and one for sponging.

3. Apply the base paint: Paint the surface with the base color and let it dry completely.

4. Prepare the sponge: Cut a piece of sponge into different shapes for different effects.

5. Apply the sponging paint: Dip the sponge into the paint and dab it on the surface, creating a speckled effect.

6. Vary the pressure and position of the sponge: To achieve a more realistic result, vary the pressure and angle at which you apply the sponge.

7. Allow to dry: Wait until the paint is completely dry before applying a clear protector.

Crumpled Effect:

1. Prepare the surface : Clean and sand the surface to be decorated.

2. Apply the base paint: Paint the surface with the base color and allow to partially dry.

3. Apply paint for crinkle effect: Use a stiff bristle brush or tissue paper to crinkle the paint while it is still wet, creating a cracking effect.

4. Allow to dry: Wait until the paint is completely dry before applying a clear protectant.

Streaked Effect:

1. Prepare the surface : Clean and sand the surface to be decorated.

2. Apply the base paint: Paint the surface with the base color and let it dry completely.

3. Striping tools: Use a comb, squeegee or ruler to create stripes on the fresh paint.

4. Vary the direction and depth of the stripes: For a more dynamic result, vary the direction and depth of the stripes.

5. Allow to dry: Wait until the paint is completely dry before applying a clear protector.

Spatulate effect:

1. Prepare the surface: Clean and sand the surface to be decorated.

2. Apply the base paint: Paint the surface with the base color and let it dry completely.

3. Choose the squeegee: Use a squeegee of different sizes and shapes to achieve different effects.

4. Apply the paint with the squeegee: Apply the paint with the squeegee in small strokes, creating an effect of movement and texture.

5. Vary the angle and pressure of the squeegee: Experiment with different angles and pressures to achieve a customized result.

6. Allow to dry: Wait until the paint is completely dry before applying a clear protector.

Avoiding common mistakes during painting

When painting, it is easy to make some common mistakes that can compromise the final result. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

Allow old or peeling paint to dry before painting over it. Thoroughly remove old paint with sandpaper or a squeegee and apply a primer before starting to paint.

  • Do not properly clean surfaces before painting. Remove dirt, dust or mold from the walls with an appropriate cleaner and be sure to dry them completely.

  • Apply too thick coats of paint. This can lead to drips, smears and longer drying times. Be sure to apply paint in thin coats and let it dry completely between coats.

  • Do not adequately protect areas that are not to be painted. Use masking tape and protective paper to protect floors, fixtures and furniture.

  • Use low-quality tools. A low-quality brush or roller can leave hairs or pieces of sponge on the surface, compromising the finish. Invest in good quality tools to get a better result.

  • If the brush or roller is new it should be soaked in water the night before, it will serve to ensure that when using it it will not release hairs.

  • Considerations for choosing color:- Style of the environment: The color should be in harmony with the style and decor of the room.- Desired effect: Colors can affect mood, perception of space and brightness.- Personal tastes: Choose colors that you like and feel comfortable with.

With a little practice and patience, you can achieve amazing effects with these decorative painting techniques and give your walls a personalized touch.

Other tips:

- For a more intense effect, apply multiple coats of paint.

- For a more subtle effect, thin the paint with water.

- Combine different techniques to create a unique look.

- Add glitter, stone dust or other materials to give an even more decorative touch.